Campaigns - Initiatives – Projects – Partners

Through careful selection, we have partnered with reputable organizations that share our passion for education and coastal conservation. These organization have proven track records of making a significant difference in their respective fields, ensuring that your donations are put to excellent use. By supporting these partner non-profit organizations, you are not only contributing to their vital work but also leveraging the power of collaboration to create a larger collective impact.

By leveraging the funding opportunities provided by the Shuman Foundation, we can amplify the impact of our efforts. The synergy between the non-profit nature of the Shuman Foundation and our shared conservation mission creates a powerful partnership that combines financial support with an enthusiastic workforce dedicated to making a difference.

Anglers For Coastal Conservation

The Shuman Foundation is proud to introduce: Anglers for Coastal Conservation. As President of the Tampa Salt Strong Fishing Club Chapter, I recognized a unique opportunity to combine the funding opportunities available through the Shuman Foundation with our shared passion for conservation. The result is a powerful collaboration that aims to establish a super-powered conservation workforce to tackle Salt Strong-inspired conservation projects.

At the Shuman Foundation, we understand the critical importance of preserving our coastal ecosystems. As anglers, we have a deep connection to these fragile habitats and recognize the responsibility we have to protect them for future generations. With the Anglers for Coastal Conservation campaign, we aim to harness the collective strength and dedication of anglers like yourself to make a lasting impact.

Our campaign focuses on empowering anglers to become environmental stewards by actively participating in conservation projects. By partnering with the Shuman Foundation, we can provide the necessary resources and support to tackle conservation initiatives inspired by the Salt Strong philosophy. Together, we can make a tangible difference in restoring and protecting our coastal environments.

Through the Anglers for Coastal Conservation campaign, we offer opportunities for anglers to get involved and contribute to meaningful projects. Whether it’s participating in habitat restoration efforts, supporting water quality improvement initiatives, or engaging in community education programs, your participation and contribution matter.

Bright Futures Scholarship Partnership

Aimed at empowering students enrolled in the Bright Futures Scholarship program. We recognize the incredible potential of these young minds and their desire to make a positive impact in their communities.

Our campaign encourages students to engage in Shuman Foundation sponsored community service projects that address critical issues faced by our local community. From coastal cleanups, Seagrass restoration and monitoring and fisheries habitat restoration, we provide a range of impactful initiatives for students to choose from.

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program is a scholarship program, funded by the Florida Lottery, to reward any Florida high school graduates who:

  • Merits recognition of high academic achievement
  • Enrolls in a degree program, certificate program, or applied technology program at an eligible Florida public or private post-secondary education institution
  • Receives funding within 2 years of graduation from high school
  • Complete the necessary community service hours required for their chosen level of Scholarship Award

We understand the significance of community service hours in fulfilling the requirements of the Bright Futures Scholarship program. That’s why we ensure that the projects offered through our campaign align with the guidelines set forth by the program. By participating in these community service projects, students not only gain practical experience and develop essential skills but also create a lasting impact on our environment and society. The hands-on involvement in these projects fosters a sense of responsibility, empathy, and a deeper connection to the world around them.

We invite students enrolled in the Bright Futures Scholarship program to join us in this incredible journey. Together, let’s inspire the next generation to make a difference, protect our environment, and create a better world for all.

Coastal Clean Ups

Shuman Foundation Partners With and Supports Tampa Bay Watch with Coastal Cleanup and Seagrass Restoration Projects:

Coastal Clean Ups

Tampa Bay Watch hosts three large-scale community cleanups a year, along with smaller efforts on a needed basis at various sites throughout the Tampa Bay region. One of the greatest threats to our planet is marine debris. Marine debris impacts our human health, tourism economy, water quality, and wildlife. It’s estimated that 80% of marine debris comes from land-based sources, so tacking our plastic pollution problem begins with us!

Seagrass Restoration

To support the Tampa Bay Estuary Program’s management goal of maintaining 38,000 acres of seagrass in Tampa Bay, it is important to explore opportunities for ongoing seagrass restoration projects. Tampa Bay Watch has a history of conducting several successful transplanting projects throughout the bay by pulling grass from a permitted donor area for transplanting into the permitted project area.

Seagrass Monitoring

Tampa Bay Watch participates as a member of the Tampa Bay Interagency Seagrass Monitoring Program which conducts annual seagrass surveys at about 60 Tampa Bay bay-wide fixed length transects. The program, a joint effort among several Tampa Bay agencies, takes a look at trends of the Tampa Bay seagrass communities at the species level.